2022 Master Plan

What is a Master Plan?
A master plan, also known as a general plan, or land-use plan, is a document that provides a roadmap for the future of a town. A master plan includes an analysis of existing conditions, a community vision for the future, and a set of policy recommendations to guide public policy. The Topsfield Master Plan will explore the following categories: 

  • Land Use and Development
  • Economic Development
  • Housing
  • Public Facilities, Infrastructure and Services
  • Transportation
  • Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources
  • Open Space and Recreation

The Town of Topsfield has formed a Master Plan Steering Committee, under the direction of the Topsfield Planning Board, to provide input and guidance throughout the process. This committee will consist of representation from boards, committees, public entities and the general public.

Master Plan Documents

RFP Process

Vendor Question: Monday, May 2, 2022
Can you please provide information about the maximum amount not to exceed? We understand Topsfield has received a grant from DHCD and we wanted to clarify the level of local funding available in addition to the state grant.

Town Answer: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
In regards to local funding, the Town of Topsfield allocated at their Annual Town Meeting the sum of $25,477.75 for the cost of a Master Plan and depending on proposals there potentially could be more funding allocated.