VIRTUAL Coffee & Conversation

A man smiles as he presents at an online meeting
Kevin Harutunian shared experiences from his first 156 days as Topsfield's Town Administrator at our second Virtual Coffee & Conversation
Event Date: 
Wednesday, September 9, 2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am

At our weekly Coffee & Conversation, we gather online using Zoom to learn about the life experiences, both professional and personal, of interesting people from Topsfield and beyond.  We have heard about one man's journey to restore a piano, about the Refugee Immigration Ministry's efforts to provide safe havens for those fleeing from devasting circumstances in dangerous places around the world, about a Masconomet High School student's journey to pursue her passion for music in college.  All participants are encouraged to ask questions and share their own stories.  Coffee & Conversation appeals especially to our lifelong learners who are innately curious and inquisitive.