American Rescue Plan Act

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was approved in March, 2021. The total appropriation of $1.9 trillion, includes $362 billion in fiscal recovery funds to support the State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This portion of the ARPA program is funded by the U.S. Treasury and administered through the states.

Topsfield has been allocated $1,985 million, with an additional $0.250 million recently announced.

Guidance on eligible uses of grant funds and the process of reporting can be found by reviewing the U.S. Department of the Treasury documents below: 

ARPA Advisory Committee
Topsfield created an advisory committee to recommend the best use of these funds.  The committee consists of:

Jen Collins - BrownFire
Catherine GabrielTown Accountant
Kevin HarutunianTown Administrator
David LarsonFinance Committee
Debra MorongPurchasing / Procurement

ARPA Advisory Committee Work Product
The following documents were created by the advisory committee. There is an overview document that explains the approach and criteria used to appropriate Topsfield's ARPA funds and a list of items already approved for funding.